


I remember vividly the first time I ever did a set of nails on a live person and no it wasn't when I first began training, it was way way back in the late 70s early 80s!  I would visits my Auntie's ever weekend were I would get to do her nails as well as her makeup and hair.   I know my Auntie would enjoy this to especially as she had three boys and loved it when I was there experimenting with her nail polishes and makeup trying to (even back then) paint different shades on the nails or making her nails dotty.  Even early on I knew that it was something I wanted to do I was creative and my imagination was always on the go, I even had The Complete Beautybook given to me as a gift by my parents I still have it now and I used to look at the images to see if I could replicate them or do proper nail care.

Things diverted slightly as I got older, and lots changed I became a quiet, shy girl thinking I didn't look the type to fit in the world of nails, hair and beauty.  I always would paint my own nails (not during school time) again experimenting with different designs and did wonder if I could do when I left high school.  But I wasn't sure where I could go (as it wasn't available at my school) nor could I get advice soon who did teach this. 

Fast forward 30 years later!  This was when I trained officially and learned how creative and fun doing nails would be, and of course why I had waited so long!

I did my City & Guilds NVQs’ (levels 2&3) in Nail Services and my level 2 beauty training at Picassos college at Ossett, West Yorkshire, UK. During my training I had my first experience of nail competitions, entering the college Match Fit nail art level 3 competition (Superheroes). I certainly didn't anticipate how quickly the time would go finishing within minutes before time was up. To my surprise I placed 2nd in Yorkshire and Humber, yeah me...this even back then made me thirsty for more! 

Whilst my training (and practice) continued, I was a busy working full time mum, wife, and daughter. I ensured I maintained a high level of client nail care, salon hygiene, and H&S always for clients with any treatments I performed as a student (in college) this being manicure, pedicure, L&P (acrylic) and hard gel nail systems as well as nail art. 

Unfortunately, I become ill in September of 2014, putting a swift halt to my dreams and growth as a nail technician it took another 3 – 4 years to get a full diagnosis.  I tried to stay positive over the years, but this didn’t happen, and I shut off from everything and everyone, this also included at the time nails for a short time.  I did continue to follow some amazing nail technicians and nail educators on social media, just to keep up to date see what new (or revamped) nail system(s) or nail design had been created.  I struggled daily and could not see any light at the end of the tunnel but one nail tech from over the pond in Alberta Canada encouraged me, helped me re-focus and even sent me a little gift to get my "Nail Mojo" back.  I could still be the nail tech I wanted to be I would just have to adapt my treatments.  This did take a lot of years to get right, and a lot of tears because it was hard daily.  Sometime later I tried and managed to begin my nail journey (again) becoming a Be Inspired for life member which was run by Sam Biddle.

Roll on to 2018 I had an amazing opportunity to attend a two day Be Inspired annual training event run by Sam Biddle.  Having only learnt the basics in nail art at college this event was what I needed to help me with my own skills building where we learnt new or aimed to perfect nail skills.  I met some fabulous likeminded nail technicians who helped and supported me throughout…and for a change I fit in, for a change.   

I was in the land of the living again!

This event reignited my love of nails, nail art the whole shebang! 

November 2018 diving right into the professional nail competition world, I entered Nailympia London.  I knew this would be a challenge especially due to my health issues having Fibromyalgia, spinal & joint Osteoarthritis and Hypermobility, but I wanted to try and prove I could do this, and I did!  I entered three competitions - mixed media, runway, and reality nails the only floor comp was reality nails, knowing it would give me a taste of doing live comps, at my own pace.  I did not place, but I felt like a winner for pushing myself to do this and just in case I never got the chance to do again.

Since then, I have continued to train (health permitting) again at my own steady pace. 

I attended the Be Inspired event for a second year running.
Entered the Professional Beauty – Excel London ‘Pop Art’ mixed media competition again didn’t place I however enjoyed the experience.  I got to meet two amazingly talented nail technicians/educators from America - Elaine Watson (Global Educator, Nailympia Head Booth Judge and for those who watched "Nail'd It - Oxygen Nail Art Competition TV Show) and the lovely Phoenix VanDkye (Global Educator and Nailympia Winner of winners 2017) - still have the images somewhere when they are visible again! 

I have been spotted in Scratch magazine a few times from the Be Inspired training events (2018/19), Nail Safari bootcamp training (2019 and 2022), my own two-page spread (thank you Alex Fox) sharing my story and that I was still fighting and trying so hard nail been my passion and pushing to become a nail technician (I practiced my mum when I could at the time), the annual Scratch Shootout Photographic nail competition for the (2019)!

I’d love to do a front cover one day and centre page too showing off all my gorgeous clients nail images and designs...

My continued learning is important, I do want to ensure my nail knowledge and skills are always up to date because the nail industry has changed a lot since I first trained.  This way it helps me and enables me to offer high quality services, with the best Professional only nail products and systems to clients. 

I want to keep up with all the latest nail designs, techniques, and trends as well as the latest colours.

My social media pages were there to show and share when I was able to practice and train or show any event training I attended, it was never a physical salon, that is until now!  I have rebranded and ready to be challenged, create beautiful nails whilst still caring for the natural nail.

I even dared to enter the Scratch 2022 Nail Awards.

Better luck next year!
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